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Switch Pro FIX3

As an electricity supplier and grid operator, Electris is not only interested in guaranteeing you a secure supply. We also focus on a sustainable future and planning security for our customers.

We also emphasize this in our Switch Pro FIX3 tariff, which can be combined with the GREEN option. If you take out our Switch Pro FIX3 contract, you secure your electricity supply price for 3 calendar years, giving you maximum planning security.

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Our contribution to reforestation

This tariff not only saves paper, but Electris also invests in our home and the reforestation of the forest. For every contract with online billing, we plant a tree in Mersch. You can find more details here:

GREEN option – 100% sustainable electricity mix

With our GREEN option, energy is generated exclusively from hydropower, solar energy and wind power. By taking out this option, you are opting for green electricity and helping to protect the environment and increase the value of renewable energies.

Find the tariff that suits you best in no time!

You can calculate the tariffs in just a few minutes and compare them easily. You can then easily choose your favourite and switch to Electris online. Once you have chosen a tariff, our excellent customer service will take care of everything else for you:

  • Termination of the contract with your previous electricity supplier.
  • Registration with your network operator.
  • Welcome letter and access to the MyElectris portal.

For us, you are a partner at eye level!

Starting from an estimated annual consumption of 50,000 kWh, our experienced key account management team will calculate an offer tailored to your needs. For this purpose, daily updated exchange prices are determined and passed on to you with a small surcharge. We will be happy to advise you on this process.

Switching your electricity supplier is this easy

Let us explain to you how quickly and easily you can change your electricity supplier in Luxembourg:


Our experienced experts on the topics of energy contracts, electromobility and smart energy use are happy to help you.